mental health

How to Get Over a Really Painful Breakup: Insights from a Relationship Therapist

Ending a long-term relationship is like having one of your vital organs ripped out—traumatic, painful, and life-altering. One month post-mortem,…

3 weeks ago

Melinda French Gates Pledges $1 Billion to Support Women and Families Over the Next Two Years

In a significant philanthropic move, Melinda French Gates has committed to donating $1 billion over the next two years to…

1 month ago

The Secret to Longevity: Insights from Rancho La Puerta’s 102-Year-Old Founder, Deborah Szekely

Deborah Szekely, the co-founder of the renowned Rancho La Puerta wellness resort, embodies the essence of longevity and wellness. At…

1 month ago

Time Lost to Mental Health? 44% of Americans Report Impact

Have you ever felt like time slips away from you, leaving you bewildered at where it disappeared to? For many…

2 months ago

5 Indications Your Skin is Under Stress

Stress isn't just a mental burden; it's a silent assailant that can wreak havoc on your skin, often in subtle…

2 months ago

The Lethal Impact of Shift Work: Risks, Health Impacts, and Mitigation Strategies

In the relentless world of work, irregular hours and night shifts have become the norm for many individuals, but the…

6 months ago

Essential Coping Skills for Overcoming Workplace Burnout in 2024

Overcoming Workplace Burnout: Navigating the pressures of work often feels like an additional full-time commitment. Coping mechanisms, the strategies that…

6 months ago

Boost Your Brain in Just 20 Minutes: Brain Scientists Reveal Easy Ways for Enhanced Mental Strength

In a recent study, brain scientists have discovered that dedicating just 20 minutes a day to specific activities can significantly…

11 months ago

Michele Hall Duncan, Making a Difference in the Lives of Hospitalized Children and Families Across the Country

As President & CEO, Michele Hall Duncan leads the enCourage Kids Foundation with her expertise in the nonprofit and development…

2 years ago