
Silent Strike: Quiet Quitting Costs Global Economy $9 Trillion Annually

The phenomenon of “quiet quitting” continues to plague workplaces around the world, significantly impacting the global economy. Despite being a buzzword for nearly two years, this trend of employees doing the bare minimum remains prevalent.

According to Gallup’s 2024 State of the Global Workplace report, a staggering 62% of employees worldwide are disengaged at work, costing the global economy a staggering $8.9 trillion worldwideannually.

Global Disengagement: A Growing Concern

Gallup’s comprehensive survey, involving over 128,278 participants from more than 160 countries, reveals that 62% of employees are merely fulfilling their job requirements without any extra effort or enthusiasm.

Even more alarming is the fact that 15% of the global workforce is actively disengaged, meaning they are not only unmotivated but also counterproductive, opposing their employer’s goals.

Economic Consequences

The economic implications of this widespread disengagement are profound. The combined lack of engagement and active disengagement is draining nearly 9% of the global GDP each year. This translates to a massive $8.9 trillion loss, underscoring the urgent need for businesses to address this issue.

The Importance of Employee Engagement

Engaged employees bring numerous benefits to their organizations. Companies in the top quartile for employee engagement experience 78% less absenteeism compared to those in the bottom quartile.

High engagement levels also lead to 21% lower turnover in high-turnover industries like retail and 51% lower turnover in low-turnover sectors.

Additionally, businesses with engaged employees report a 23% increase in profitability, a 68% boost in employee well-being, and a 22% rise in organizational participation.

Strategies to Boost Engagement

Gallup’s research highlights several strategies that can help improve employee engagement. One crucial aspect is the development and selection of effective managers. Companies that excel in engagement often have managers who act as coaches rather than mere supervisors.

These managers are natural motivators, adept at identifying and nurturing employees’ strengths, inspiring them to take on challenging tasks, and fostering a collaborative work environment.

Creating a Culture of Engagement

Building a culture of high employee engagement requires intentional effort from business leaders. It involves implementing practices that prioritize employees’ needs and well-being.

Organizations must cultivate an environment where employees feel valued and motivated to contribute their best efforts. This cultural shift can lead to significant improvements in engagement and, consequently, organizational success.


The issue of “quiet quitting” is a pressing concern for businesses worldwide. The economic impact of disengaged employees is immense, but it is not insurmountable.

By focusing on effective management, fostering a supportive culture, and addressing employees’ needs, organizations can reverse this trend and unlock the full potential of their workforce.

As Gallup’s chief scientist of workplace management and wellbeing, Jim Harter, aptly puts it, “When employees feel that the organization cares about them, they are more likely to give their best effort.”

Also read: ImpactWealth Recap: Year in Review – Top Business Stories of 2023

Kaleem Khan

Kaleem Afzal Khan is a versatile freelance writer with a passion for crafting engaging and informative content. From articles to blogs, he specialize in delivering words that captivate and inform the audience.

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